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pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1[editar]

Del francés medio compétiteur, y este del latín competitor.


Singular Plural
competitour competitours
Grafía obsoleta de  competitor.
  • Ejemplo:

Ah ! Artaxerxes, ( ſaid I ) what an unworthy Rival has my hard fate procur’d thee ? and how much thou wouldst be aſham’d, if thou knewſt my miſery, to have a petty Lieutenant of a Province, thy competitour in affection, thou to whom a hundred Provinces, and ten thouſand Subjects more conſiderable than this Rival ought to yield obedience.Gaultier de Coste La Calprenède (seigneur de). Cassandra. 1667.

  • Ejemplo:

They manage matters with great addreſſe , of which this inſtance was given me in a competition for the Advoyerſhip not long agoe, there was one whoſe temper was violent , that had made it ſo ſure among thoſe who were qualified to vote in it, as being neither of his kindred, or alliance, that they believed he would carry it from the other competitour , whom they favoured , ſo they ſet up a third competitour whoſe kindred were the perſons that were made ſure to him, whoſe advancement they oppoſed , and by this means they were all ſhut out from voting , so that the Election went according to the deſigne of the Bannerets.Gilbert Burnet. Some Letters Containing an Account of what Seemed Most Remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, &c. 1686.

  • Ejemplo:

But for the breaking off of the Marriage with the Lord Darly, it was thought good that, for a Terrour, Souldier ſhould be levied all over the Borders towards Scotland, and that Berwick ſhould be manned with a ſtronger Garriſon : that the Counteſs of Lenox, the Lord Darly’s Mother, and her Son Charles, ſhould be commited to Cuſtody : that the Earl of Lenox, and his Son the Lord Darly, ſhould be called home out of Scotland into England, upon pain of loſs of Goods and Lands, before ſuch time as any Confederacy should be made with the French King or the Spainard : that the Scots which oppoſed the Marriage ſhould be ſupported ; and that the Lady Katharine Grey (with the Earl of Hertford) ſhould be received into ſome Grace, of whom alone the Queen of Scots was thought to ſtand in doubt and fear, as a Competitour in the Succeſſion of the Crown.William Camden. The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth Late Queen of England ; Containing All the Most Important and Remarkable Passages of State, Both at Home and Abroad (so Far as They Were Linked with English Affairs) During Her Long and Properous Reign. Written by William Camden,... The Fourth Edition, Revised and Compared with the Original, Whereby Many Gross Faults are Amended, Several Periods Before Omitted are Added in Their Due Places,... with a New Alphabetical Index of All the Principal Things Contained in the History. 1688.

Referencias y notas[editar]