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Γνωθι σεαυτον (Know yourself)

In an Infinite Universe, clustered in an infinite number of Universes, Why someboy like you, a conscious traveler in eternity, don`t you fully enjoy the wonder of each moment? A.M.C.R.

The larger the continent of knowledge, the longer the coastline of mystery.

I invite you to my blog | Mi blog: [edit]

This Wikipedist feels citycen of the world.  

This wikipedist talks of Wikipedia to his friends. 

My contributions to Wikipedia[edit]

| líst in Spanish
| In English.

Dado que el propósito de Wikipedia es : "Recopilar todo el conocimiento de la humanidad poniéndolo al mismo tiempo al alcance de todos como un derecho inalienable, tanto para su consulta como para su creación y mejora continua".

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