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De Wikcionario, el diccionario libre
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Etimología 1


Del francés medio intense y del latín intensus, del latín intendere.


Positivo Comparativo Superlativo
intence more intencemost intence
Grafía obsoleta de  intense.
  • Ejemplo: 

    The next point of importance to national commerce, is the judicious, and proper management of the finances ; a work of infinite difficulty, laborious, and requires intence application ; and which can alone be rendered effectual, or even practicable to any individual, by an habitual courſe of ſimilar tranſactions, though of inferior extent and importance to the Britiſh exchquer.Villiers Clara Pitt. The Character, and Necessary Qualifications, of a British Minister of State. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament, 1759. By a Lady. 1759.

Referencias y notas
