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Etimología 1[editar]

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Singular Plural
priviledg priviledges
Grafía obsoleta de  privilege.
  • Ejemplo:

And then, ſince Mr. Gaſcoin tells you, That the Experiment being of it ſelf extraordinary and ſurprizing , and beſides uſhering in new Principles into Opticks, quite contrary to the common and received , it will be hard to perſwade it as a truth, till it be made ſo viſible to all as it were a ſhame to deny it: if he eſteem it ſo extraordinary , he may have the priviledg of making it ſo viſible to all , that it will be a ſhame to deny it.Royal Society (London). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1676.

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