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De Wikcionario, el diccionario libre
icono de desambiguación Entradas similares:  république
pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1


Del francés république, y este del latín respublica, del latín publica.


Singular Plural
republique republiques
Grafía obsoleta de republic.
  • Uso: obsoleto.
  • Ejemplo:

He lived in the world ſeaventie one years , which was a decrepit age if you conſider his complexion, or his conſummate wiſdome and perfection on of vertue , and his either deſires or hopes to live being but too ſhort a time if you conſider the ſervice that the publique received from him, or the common deſire that was afterward of him becauſe it concerned the moſt excellent republique, that his ſervice ſhould have beene as durable as it was faithfull.Fulgenzio Micanzio. The Life of the Most Learned Father Paul. 1651.

Referencias y notas
