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pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1[editar]

Del francés antiguo crualté, y este del latín crudelitatem del latín crudelis.


Singular Plural
crueltie cruelties
Grafía obsoleta de  cruelty.

  • Ejemplo:

As if he had ſaid, thou ſhalt have a great portion, and much power put into thy hands, and the wickedneſſe of thy heart will appeare fully, thou doſt not know how naught thou art now, thy luſt lies cloſe in thy owne ſpirit ; But when thou art King of Syria, thou wilt have ſcope for thy crueltie, and then it will appeare that I am a true Prophet in foretelling thee what bloudy, what cruel worke thou wilt make.

Referencias y notas[editar]