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Etimología 1


De phænomenal y el sufijo -ly.


Positivo Comparativo Superlativo
phænomenally more phænomenallymost phænomenally
Grafía obsoleta de phenomenally.
  • Ejemplo:

An object is presented to our observation which has phænomenally begun to be.Sir William Hamilton. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform. 1853.

  • Ejemplo:

The Cosmos, in the scheme of the Constructive idealists, grapples the Absolute, if we may so say, by one available anchor (Mind seeking its cause), and would grapple it by another if it knew where to find that other (the unknown external cause of sensation, for which also, were it realized, a cause would have to be sought) ; the Cosmos, in the scheme of the Natural Realist, grapples the Absolute by two anchors, considered equally available—Mind, and that Material Nature which Mind knows face to face as phænomenally existing out of itself.David Masson. Recent British Philosophy. 1866.

  • Ejemplo:

Having thus, as I hope, more clearly defined my position in regard to the reality of the Ego, considered as a question of Ontology, I return to my first starting point, the Relativity of human knowledge, and affirm (being here in entire accordance with Sir W. Hamilton) that whatever be the nature of the real existence we are compelled to acknowledge in Mind, the Mind is only known to itself phænomenally, as the series of its feelings or consciousnesses.John Stuart Mill. An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Philosophical Questions Discussed in His Writings. 1867.

Referencias y notas
