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Francés antiguo

pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1


Del latín doctor ("maestro"), y este del latín docere, del latín decere.

Sustantivo masculino

Singular Plural
Nominativo doctours
Oblicuo doctour doctours
Grafía alternativa de doctur.
pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1


Del francés antiguo doctour, y este del latín doctor, del latín docere, del latín decere.


Singular Plural
doctour doctours
Grafía alternativa de doctor.
  • Uso: obsoleto
  • Ejemplo:

I muſt needs confeſſe, when I reade this egregious corruption in him, that I reſolued neuer to truſt Pontifician doctour againe without triall, citing any ſentence for the Popes monarchie.Richard Sheldon. The Motives of Richard Sheldon Pr. for His Iust, Voluntary, and Free Renouncing of Communion with the Bishop of Rome, Pavl the 5. and His Church.... 1612.

  • Ejemplo:

S. Bernard the mirrour of learning and Sanctity in his age, Venerable Bede , the principall ornament of our Nation , S. Iſidore , the moſt eminent and ancient Doctour , and ouerthrower of Arianiſme in Spaine ? Shall theſe learned Father be put in the nũber of Nodies? Shall one find ſuch a doating Iuſtice of Peace againe in a Coũtrey , as will caſt ſuch Doctours into ſtockes , or ſhut them vp as you doe in Bedlam ?John Patrick Flood. Purgatories triumph over Hell, maugre the barking of Cerberus in sir Edward Hobyes Counter-snarle, a letter to the sayd knight from I. R. 1613.

  • Ejemplo:

Laſtly, I could wiſh that the worthy Doctour had throughly weighed how divinely the Holy Writ diſcriminateth ſeverall matters.Edward Kellet. Miscellanies of Divinitie Divided Into Three Books. 1633.

Referencias y notas
