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pronunciación (AFI) [ɛɡ.zɑ̃pl]
rima ɑ̃pl

Etimología 1


Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo.

Sustantivo masculino

Singular Plural
exemple exemples
pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1


Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo.


Singular Plural
exemple exemples
Grafía obsoleta de  example.

  • Ejemplo:

Some perhaps imagine that this hath not been approved in Italy , and it is true there were not any publick rejoicings upon it at Rome , no Indulgences nor Te Deums were heard of : And the Spaniſh faction being ſo prevalent there , it is not ſtrange if a courſe of proceedings , that is without an exemple , was ſet forth , by all that were of that intereſt , in its proper colours ; of which I met with ſome inſtances my ſelf , and could not but ſmile to ſee ſome of the Spaniſh Faction ſo farre to forget their Courts of Inquiſition as to argue againſt the Converſions by the Dragoons, as a reproach to the Catholick Religion, Yet the Pope was of another mind , for the Duke d’Eſtrees gave him an account of the Kings proceedings in this matter very copiouſly , as he himſelf related it.

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